Finding the right agent for you!
Finding the right agent for you!

Selling or buying property is one of life's greatest investments. Choosing the right agent, will guarantee you peace of mind throughout the buying and selling process.

Quick tips on helping you find the right agent.

1. Do your research, read previous reviews and testimonials written from vendors and buyers.

2. It is very important to obtain a stong and comfortable connection with your agent. Without this connection, you will be left feeling uncertain and weary. Go with your gut instinct.

3. An agent must have strong negotiating skills.

4. Three most important qualities an aent must have are Experience, enthusiasm and skill.

5. Strong communication levels will always ensure your agent will remain diligent throughout the entire journey. Answering and returning all calls, texts and emails.

6. Don't always feel the need to stick to your local agent. Having an agent out of the area will ensure the hunger and drive to outdo.